Bike Trainer Vs Rollers: The Difference And Best Choice

We’ve mentioned the general differences between traditional rollers and training bikes, but let’s dig a little deeper and explain the differences between the two technologies.

We need to start by explaining what a roller is and how it works, as well as some facts about it, so you can know where these technologies come from. Don’t forget that each machine is different and may have different characteristics depending on the brand or model you look at when choosing a roller.



RollersYou have to pedal all the time to work steadily and keep your balance, which is a great way to mimic the outdoor riding experience. And they’re easy enough to ride so that you can take them everywhere, and they have a steeper curve.

You don’t have to change your tire or lock your rear wheel and can work at your pace. You’ll still need mental strength to stay focused. Coaches, however, hold your bike while you ride, so you don’t need to control your balance and pace as much.

The rollers help you maintain proper posture and prevent you from being too careless, whereas, in sneakers, your bike is placed on a rack, which may mean you won’t pay as much attention to your position as you would with the rollers.

Your upper body and hips can become uncomfortable without you knowing it because your trainer will keep your bike upright.

When using a roller, you must always be aware because you will notice your bike movements, which means you need to stay alert and focused on what you are doing.


Bike Rollers VS Trainers

Bike Rollers VS TrainersOn the other hand, it will help you manage resistance in different ways depending on the type of turbo trainer you choose.

This doesn’t happen with standard rollers, for which you’ll have to buy an extra part – or a more expensive roller – to manage the resistance, or you’ll have to change gears to control the given resistance.

Trainers are subject to tire wear, but the rollers are harder to control if you want to sprint or stand up.

This means that inertia is what keeps you upright and moving forward. You’ll notice your bike tilting forward, but this can be solved using a roller model that isn’t attached to the ground.

The roller will adapt to your new position when your bike moves. You may fall off your roller or bike if you hit the sides or are distracted, even if you try to drink water during your workout.

This is not a problem regarding coaches, as they keep you stable for your ride. Rollerblades are a little harder to understand, which means that not all cyclists will adapt to them naturally, but maybe with a bit of practice, and over time, it will get easier.

You won’t get a powerful workout with them, as the cyclists mentioned, but you can work on your pedaling technique effectively, and they are good enough for a warm-up or a spin recovery ride.


Best Indoor Bicycle Trainer

CycleOps Fluid 2 Indoor Cycling Coach Review 

CycleOps Fluid 2 Indoor Cycling Coach Review The summer/winter debate can go on forever. Some people love the beach.

Others prefer the warmth of their home. But for cyclists, it’s much easier. We hate winter! Unless you like to ride on tons of ice, that’s how you should feel.

Fortunately, the solution couldn’t be more straightforward. With bike coaches, you can have the same experience outdoors when you can’t practice outdoors. If you need this, CycleOps Fluid 2 is one of the best options.

If you’ve been looking for training bikes for a while, you’ve probably come across different mechanisms. Some sleds rely on magnetic repulsion, while others push against the wind.

As the name suggests, CycleOps Fluid 2 depends on the pressure of the fluid. When your bike’s tire rotates against the resistance roller, it pushes against a fluid inside its container, giving you the natural feeling of road resistance.

I don’t know about you, but fluid resistance is my favorite. Because the fluid is enclosed, it is much quieter than blowers. And because of the fluid’s high viscosity, it can easily outperform magnetic drivers in terms of resistance.

It mimics the experience of the road perfectly.

Before explaining how the CycleOps flywheel differs from other flywheels, we should briefly examine how it works.

The Science Behind Flywheels

Have you ever wondered how a bike trainer differs from an exercise bike? The secret lies in the flywheel. Simply put, the flywheel is the fan-shaped part opposite the fluid reservoir.

Thanks to its unique and meticulous engineering, the flywheel can maintain momentum. When you stop pedaling, it keeps the tires moving. This way, cyclists can enjoy a simulation close to the road’s feel.

Exercise bikes are just tools that put resistance on your muscles. They are not capable of simulating the momentum of the bike.

CycleOps Fluid 2’s flywheels are perfectly adjusted.

Not all steering wheels are created equal. Some products are manufactured with too much resistance, making them difficult to operate. Other models offer little resistance due to their lightweight construction.

Fortunately, CycleOps Fluid 2 is in the middle. With its precisely balanced flywheel, you’ll enjoy a flawless cycling experience.

Easy to use the clamping mechanism

It can be pretty difficult to fine-tune the waterproofness of other training bikes. If you turn the knob more than it should, the unit will be harder than it needs to be. Therefore, you will need to continue tightening and loosening the knob to find out what works and does not.

In CycleOps Fluid 2, things are entirely different. When the tightening button reaches a certain pressure, it makes an audible click. That way, you can know when the coach is tight enough. No more guesswork!

Height and weight

When fully assembled, CycleOps Fluid 2 weighs approximately 22 pounds. It can therefore be easily transported anywhere.

Storage is also very practical. It measures 10 inches high, 18 inches long, and 13 inches wide when you bend its legs. That said, it can be stored either vertically or flat.

It’s much quieter

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I had to put a little more emphasis on it. Wind turbines are noisy. It’s frustrating to see your neighbor complaining about the noise of thunder every time you practice.

Dependence on fluid rather than air makes the most significant difference, but the large resistance roller also contributes to this. With a diameter of 2″, the roller would rotate fewer times while maintaining the same power.

Large weight capacity

Most training bikes cannot support more than 250 pounds. And, of course, that includes the weight of the rider and the bike.

The CycleOps Fluid 2, on the other hand, goes even further by allowing loads as heavy as 300 lbs. Those extra pounds can be useful if you have a specially designed bike with a huge accessories set.

It fits many bikes

Saris has designed the CycleOps Fluid 2 with a rear leg spacing that fits 120mm, 130mm, and 135mm bikes.

Although this range adapts to most of the most used bikes, Saris offers an optional through-axle adapter that can fit 142mm and 148mm bikes.

Of course, having a trainer that fits any bike gives the best possible value for money.


Although CycleOps Fluid 2 looks excellent so far, a few things can be a little awkward.

 It was pretty expensive.

CycleOps Fluid 2 does not stray too far from other fluid trainers. However, it costs almost double the price of the classic magnetic trainer.

I know the performance is much more different. But still, the higher price would be an obstacle for cyclists on a tight budget.


Without a doubt, the CycleOps Fluid 2 indoor cycling coach is among the best. Its perfectly designed flywheel simulates the same exciting feeling as the outdoor bike.

Although it is more expensive than magnetic trainers, the difference in performance is priceless. With its unique tightening knob, conjecture becomes completely obsolete. And with many positive reviews, you can be assured of its extended durability.

Try it. I’m sure your experience will be even more enjoyable than reading this review. Send me your comments if you choose CycleOps Fluid 2; I always like to know more about the different experiences. If you still have doubts about the different types of coaches or want to analyze other options, check out the updated guide I’ve made with the best bike coaches you can find on the market right now, so you can compare and find the best solution for you.


Saris Basic Mag Bike Trainer

Saris Basic Mag Bike TrainerI can’t describe how much I love indoor sneakers. They allow me to continue training all year round, even in winter. You don’t have to force yourself out in freezing temperatures where you can’t even ride a bike properly.

Today I’m going to take you one step further by introducing you to one of my favorite coaches, the Saris Basic Mag Bike Trainer. We will see how it works, what could be better, and the alternatives.

This is where I will review the Saris Mag trainer from a technical point of view. We will examine its technology and how it can affect your performance.

It works thanks to magnets.

If you have not yet understood, Saris Mag is the diminutive of Saris Magnetic. As its name indicates, it depends on the magnetic repulsion to provide resistance.

As you can see in the product’s image, it has a small circular compartment on one of its sides. When the wheel of your bicycle moves, it turns the resistance roller, which turns a metal disc inside the compartment.

To resist the movement of the disc, Saris has put a pile of magnets to create a magnetic field. This way, you can pedal for a long time on your bike without worrying about your trainer overheating.

You can increase the resistance.

What happens when you move two similar magnetic poles towards each other? They repel each other more strongly, don’t they? You can increase the resistance of Saris Mag in the same way.

In front of the magnetic container, you have to find a rotary knob numbered from 1 to 5. When you turn this knob, the magnets of the trainer move to intensify the field. This way, it will be more challenging to ride a bike.

Height and weight

Once folded, the Saris Mag trainer measures 22 inches long, 20 inches wide, and 7 inches high. You can take it wherever you want since it weighs only 17 pounds.

Once training is complete, it can be stored vertically to reduce the footprint. However, it won’t be stable that way.

It’s quieter than wind turbines.

Testing the noise of training bikes can be a bit tricky. You can’t have 0% noise since the bike contributes to the sound. Something as small as the tire design can also produce a lot of that annoying noise.

Nevertheless, if you use the same bike to test several sneakers, the difference starts to make itself felt. In action, the Saris Mag is much quieter than any training bike. And it makes sense. Since air tractors actively disturb the air, they should be the noisiest.

So, on the whole, the Saris Mag offers a relatively acceptable noise. It is not the quietest, but it will not disturb your neighbors.

It is more affordable.

Magnetic coaches are undoubtedly the ultimate choice for cyclists on a tight budget.

Generally, fluid trainers cost almost twice as much as Saris Mag. This can be justified by the special fluid they need to contain to give resistance.

Wind trainers are probably the most expensive. They must be meticulously designed to resist air.

As Saris Mag has no steering wheel, handlebar-mounted switch, or resistance fluid, it is undoubtedly the most affordable option.


I’m not too fond of it when critics keep praising a certain product as if nothing is wrong with it. In this section, I will explain in an unbiased way what could be bad in Saris Mag and how it can affect your experience.

The resistance adjustment method is a bit outdated

As I said before, the Saris Mag coach has a small button on the side to control resistance. If you do a quick Google search, you will find that the market is full of more practical options.

You don’t even need to look for other brands. For example, the Saris Mag+ trainer is equipped with a wired gear lever that can be mounted on the bike’s handlebars.

By effortlessly pivoting this gear lever back and forth, the resistance changes. And above all, the price difference between these two models is not that big.

Therefore, if you can afford to pay more, it’s best to reconsider your options.

It doesn’t have a flywheel.

If you want to experience the same feeling as on the road, Saris Mag will not be the best product. To know why, we must compare it to another Saris trainer, CycleOps Fluid 2. Looking at this trainer, you should notice a big fan in front of the fluid tank.

This fan is called a “flywheel”. The flywheel is designed to keep its momentum without getting into technical engineering. In simpler terms, it will continue to keep the bike wheel spinning for a while after you stop pedaling.

Since Saris Mag doesn’t have this part, the bike wheel stops relatively faster. Therefore, freewheeling and pedaling will not have the same natural sense as road biking.


You can probably find better options with more advanced technology if you’re willing to pay a little more.

However, the Saris Basic Mag Bike Trainer would be the best option if your budget is limited. Thanks to its magnetic technology, you will get acceptable performance with little heat and noise. And most importantly, it can be suitable for more than one cyclist since you can adjust the resistance.

In the long run, many critics have praised its durability. This is good news because affordable products usually break before the first year.

All in all, it all comes down to your current budget versus your goal. Don’t forget that you can also evaluate other possibilities with the guide I’ve prepared; different options could help you find the product that suits your needs. Sometimes a little more effort and money make all the difference in your experience. I am a proponent of that.

Bike Lane Pro Indoor Bicycle Trainer

Bike Lane Pro Indoor Bicycle TrainerThis bike trainer offers five resistance levels right from the start, ideal for different types of riding. It works with magnetic technology, which means it’s an almost silent option for your indoor bike all year round.

It can make you feel like you’re riding a road bike because of its exceptional stability – with extra legs to help it – and it’s wonderfully portable and lightweight, which means easier storage and the ability to carry it with you when you travel. The materials are reliable and sturdy, giving this trainer a long lifespan. This product also offers a natural pedal feel thanks to its machined steel steering wheel. It fits 700c or 27-inch road wheels or 26-inch mountain wheels with different tire sizes with a quick-release tip, making the bike lane pro trainer a flexible and reliable training source.

As for its size, 15.75″ x 18.5″ x 21.5″, it should be mentioned so that you understand how portable and storable this product is. The elevation block is included with the purchase.

This indoor trainer is considered the ultimate, thanks to its magnetic resistance that can be achieved right from the start. When talking about the magnetic characteristic, it is impossible not to mention that this option is very quiet for you, allowing you to work out whenever you feel like exercising or training. The portability is a plus if you want to take it with you on your travels, maybe to warm up before the race. The fantastic stability and durability are also incredible, and the versatility allows you to choose the type of workout you want to do and modify it according to your goals.

This product has been designed to optimize the use you make of it for your comfort and to promote a good ride, but without giving up a discreet look that will fit perfectly in any home and its environment.


  • Mobile
  • Good stability and durability


  • A little noisy
  • Weight


Customer Comments

Customers mention details that are not explicit in the product description, such as its effect on thicker tires, which can be a problem but can be corrected. They are extremely satisfied with its portability, describing the act of taking the product outdoors for outdoor training as a quick affair.

As mentioned earlier, getting used to your bike can be a little more complicated than expected. Overall, there is overwhelming customer satisfaction that can’t be ignored.


The features included in this product and the exceptional pros make it one of the best options for any cyclist and workout they may need, which is why we award it five stars with distinction.



Dynamic SE Indoor Bike Trainer

Dynamic SE Indoor Bike TrainerThe DYNAMIC SE Bike Trainer, with a net weight of 17.6 lbs, is a magnetic trainer for apartment bikes. This trainer has six magnetic levels with a quick-release skewer. No matter what the weather is outside or what season you are in, this product allows you to train all year round, improving your skills and resistance. It is also suitable for your pre-race warm-up, as well as for indoor training and skill management. This bike trainer will also save you valuable time by allowing you to train at home, eliminating the obstacles of seasonal training.

When you buy it, you will get not only the bike stand but also a resistance remote control, a front-wheel block, and the skewer you need. It works with a 26″- 28″ and 700C wheels, and it includes noise reduction technology, which reduces the noise level but does not get rid of it completely.
It has 6 levels of magnetic resistance for different types of drives, and it usually comes in a discreet and attractive matte black color, but there are other color options.

The Dynamic Indoor Cycle SE is a sturdy option with an extra-wide base and a low stance that allows you to maintain your balance. The material is Q195 steel, and its wide and stable base is ideal for solid performance under intense effort. It is equipped with adjustable rubber feet on the lower part of the unit; this feature prevents slipping and scratching on the floor.

Pros and Cons

As already mentioned, this turbo trainer stand is magnetic/fluid-based, which reduces noise production, and is easily folded when it needs to be stored. It is quick to assemble and install but does not offer much flexibility in adapting to the wheels. Regarding the amount of noise, it is essential to mention that it is reduced when you use this product with ATV tires, as it affects the overall noise production. It has optional resistance for different workouts, depending on the goals you set for your workouts and the overall exercise and skills you want to achieve.
The design is unobtrusive and adapts perfectly to your bike when you follow the instructions that allow you to get the most out of the product. It works best in all training conditions, although it is mainly used for indoor training. It may not be the best choice for cyclists who need mobility to train indoors and outdoors.

Customer Comments

Customers point out the dynamic SE Indoor apartment bike’s easy assembly, affecting the product’s appearance. As it is a quick assembly, it allows you to set it up at any time for the workout you need.


As the dynamic SE indoor cycling coach is mentioned in various top 10 lists, it is impossible not to give him a good score. That’s why we recommend him with four out of five stars.


Conclusions on Bike Rollers VS Trainers

With a coach, you can focus on your training rather than on standing, and you can do several things at once better because you are locked in. Rollers are an older technology and are still in use. Many cyclists put them aside when they buy a trainer, but some use both. Trainers are the best option for beginners and frequent workouts, but rollerblades are better for balance training. If you want to know more, you can see our reviews of the best bike trainers on the market here.



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